GHS Impact These Past 6 Months

Astoundingly, since our arrival, we have been able to find our way around, learn the lay of the land, settle in a home, meet tons of people, build community and minister in several ways. There are many folks the Lord has used us to minster to, encourage or take meds & food to while they were sick. Some of those have been deep relationships that will be on going for us. Mainly, God has used us to minister to the Muslim Arabs  that He brought into our lives. We are thankful we have been able to use the little Arabic we know and our full knowledge of the culture after spending the years living in Lebanon, Egypt and Iraq. The Muslims are so ripe for the gospel in this season and are so open and seeking God. Please continue to pray for salvations among them. Just a few evenings ago, on the night we had our prayer group in our home for Muslims, I was outside waiting for our friends to arrive and saw our neighbor, Nader, in his front yard. We were talking about covid and all the crazy things going on. All of the sudden he asked “Do you think we are in the end of days? It really seems like we don’t have much time left.” The Holy Spirit prompted me to share the gospel at that moment with him. I shared how without the blood of a sacrifice being shed to cover our sins, we will not see heaven and spend eternity with God. I explained how Jesus was the ultimate and final sacrifice and that we CAN know we will be in heaven with Him forever if we believe this truth from the Word of God. He answered “I really do believe what you are saying.” I told Nader we will continue to pray for him and his family to know God more each day. He was so grateful. We’ve heard from our other Arab friends the same sentiments. God is moving on the hearts of Muslims, folks! Be encouraged! The kingdom of God is expanding! We will be purchasing some Arabic Bibles this week to leave with our fellow kingdom workers 

Our new Jewish friend, Matan, the young man we met from Texas, spent a day with us last week. We took him with us to see the City of David and the Pool of Siloam which he had not seen. How unusual but awesome it was to be the only ones in the site- again! (We’ve had some very special moments with the Lord alone at these Biblical sites) We got to share with a security guard and encouraged him in the Lord. More importantly, David got to share bits of the gospel and about who Jesus is with Matan while we lingered at the Pool of Siloam- uninterrupted by any other souls. What a breathtaking event! It seemed time was suspended as God put a hedge about us. (I snapped some photos that day. We’ll share below.) Later, we picked up Matan’s brother, Daniel and he joined us for a lovely afternoon for lunch and conversation. Daniel is about to start teaching English at a kibbutz outside of Jerusalem. He’s so excited! What a super day it was with those two. We promised to stay in touch with them and keep tabs on what’s going on in their lives. We are so sad to be leaving the ministry here after just a short time. I’ve wanted to break down at times at the thought of leaving our new home and friends but I have to stay focused for our transition back. We feel the Lord will some how restore what we feel is a loss. As for our immediate future, we are not sure what that holds. Please pray for us as we are seeking the Lord as to what that looks like. It’s happening so fast but we know God is in charge and has great plans ahead for us which we feel will be more than we could have asked for or imagined.

We have always and will continue to help fund our ministry partners ministering and raising up disciples at our center, House of Love in Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. We invite you to continue giving to bless those precious ones. Also, If you are a monthly donor, we ask that you please consider giving through the end of April to help us in our transition from Israel back to the States. We would greatly appreciate your help. We pray God’s richest blessings upon you all and pray 2022 is full of God’s suddenly.

One thought on “GHS Impact These Past 6 Months

  1. I’m so sorry to hear this. What a heartbreaking thing to happen.
    I will be praying for you as you prepare to return. And I’ll definitely continue to support you.
    Praying for the Lords blessings and direction. Love and hugs!! ❤️


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